VOX-® e.POETICS @La Plata - IA in Live & Performance
Marc Veyrat  1@  , Philippe Franck * @
1 : AP-HP. Université Paris Saclay
Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis
* : Corresponding author

A sentence uttered by Khaldoun Zreik when we began to think about the way in which AI would irremediably transform our daily lives and more specifically digital creation: "so where is intelligence?") in a previous symposium to which we participated also, has stimulated our prospective and creative reflection. Finally, since the appearance of AI, it is no longer a question of "know-how" including with prompts), but rather of knowing why to do it. Images, sounds, texts... The gesture, the radical stance of Marcel Duchamp with the Ready-Made in the artistic process, initiated at the beginning of the 20th century is now — more than ever — on the agenda: why does this object that I situate in a practice and point out have meaning and what more does it convey from this reappropriation?-) Indeed, why should we still burden ourselves with what we would imagine to be new original digital productions and plunge the visual, textual and sound landscape a little more into an informal mix of elements of information that constantly come to overwhelm us and pollute our daily lives?).

 Because “there is therefore no point in wondering about what would still distinguish information from propaganda, the question is no longer relevant, active — interactive — disinformation is never a lie, but an excess of contradictory/over information. This continuous excess, pointed out by French philosopher/urbanist Paul Virilio in 1991 as this end without possible return of plastic skill, seems to structure two essential questions around AI, which we will try to develop in this communication:


— Why is intelligence (evoked here by Khaldoun Zreik) above all an intelligence of information, including in artistic creation, with or despite AI?

— Why and how do AIs dangerously privatize our relationships with the Internet,and with knowledge in general, by appropriating common knowledge and imagination, including with the help of artistic creation?)

The idea here is not to demonize AIs, but to question what makes sense in their use, their diffusion and how in their unashamed reuse of all the domains available on the Internet, including current arts...and this without hiding the warning dangers that they do not fail to already provoke...

With this perspective of creative and poetic reappropriation, we will propose to extend this reflection to the artistic, sound and in progress experience of the performative project VOX-® e.POETICS recently initiated by Marc Veyrat and Philippe Franck. In this intermedia and contextual device, poetic fragments, electro organic sound landscapes composed by Philippe Franck (aka Paradise Now) will dialogue with i-REAL Cards (the VR/XR project of the Société i Matériel supported by the CiTU Paragraphe laboratory and Transcultures-Centre of digital and sound cultures of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels). Voices, sounds broadcast live on local radio stations in La Plata as well as images from social networks are selected in real time by an AI and remixed live by the two creators/researchers. This hypermedia performance will allow us to develop these questions that we wish to question during this communication/creation of the Computer Art Congress 8.


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