
All accepted papers are invited to submit an article to be included in the book of proceedings, published by Europia Paris, distributed electronically, and following an Open Science and Open Access model.

Editorial guidelines:

  • Word extension: 3000 to 4000 words, including bibliography, abstract, and notes.
  • Abstract: 150 words max.
  • Keywords: a list of 5 keywords separated by comma.
  • The first section of the article should be the Introduction.
  • The last section should be deducated to conclusions or further work.
  • Reference style: APA (
  • Font: Times 12pts. Single spacing. Left alignment.
  • Language: English.
  • File format: Word (DOC or DOCX).

Submissions should be sent to

Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2025.

Book publication: June 2025.

Important: please note that only authors who are up to date with the conference fee can be included in the book of proceedings.


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