Computer Art and Digital Design in the Age of Generative AI


AI is already among us, with its challenges and open questions.

From CAC.8, we propose a meeting to approach Generative AI from its multiple aspects, undoubtedly from a myriad of points of view, which will allow its inclusion in Art, Design, and Culture.

We would like to create a symbolic capsule of space and time to reflect on the challenges, impacts, and scope of this new tool of knowledge, which is already modifying the processes of various human activities.

We propose to approach this adventure towards knowledge through three axes: AI and its technical, aesthetic and ethical challenges.



● AI Perspectives: Human and Non Human Intertwines

● AI Retrospectives: Building Memories

● AI Prospectives: Speculative Design and Possible Futures

● AI, Media, Genres: Old/New Practices?

● AI as a Black/White/Gray Box?

● AI Methodologies in Art and Design

● AI Ethics, Policies and Critical Media Theory

● AI, Nature and Materialities

● AI and the Anthropocene

● AI in Art/Design Education and Research 


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• Instagram: cac8.arg2024

• Facebook: cac8.arg2024

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